YouTube Apple Music Spotify Soundcloud Amazon Music Bandcamp Instagram
Fifty Ways To Leave Your Message
There is nothing but the moment.
Jason Allen (Somerset) at YouTube
My newer channel featuring original music videos.
  Jason Allen at Instagram
Instagram (new)
My newer Instagram account for media stuff.
  Jason Allen at YouTube
YouTube (old)
My old channel featuring mainly cover versions.
  Jason Allen at YouTube
YouTube (alt)
A second YouTube channel for nature-based videos.
Calm Places
During the 2020 pandemic and the ensuing media noise, I decided to start creating and sharing videos of solitude.

This series features a collection of peaceful places and soothing natural sounds.

No music, no ads, no spin - just three minutes of peace and quiet. A place to escape.

River Chew - A Somerset Stream - click to view this website
River Chew - A Somerset Stream
The River Chew has always played a prominent part in my life. I was born within sight of it, have lived near it for most of my life, and as a youth I spent many days attempting to catch fish from its peaceful waters.

When I took up photography in 2002, the River Chew and its picturesque valley became the main subject of my work as I wandered through the fields and pastures.

In 2005, I acquired the domain name, with a view to displaying some of my images. This idea soon grew into a fully-fledged research project.

Books were borrowed from the local library and many miles of river bank were walked in an attempt to construct a concise yet detailed account of the river and its valley.

The website has been revised several times since the original version was published, and continues to attract a healthy number of visitors to this day. You can view the River Chew website at
Jason Allen at Spotify
Most of my music can be found at Spotify.
  Jason Allen at Soundcloud
I mainly post my acoustic and studio covers at Soundcloud.
  Jason Allen at Bandcamp
Most of my albums can be bought and downloaded here.
  Jason Allen at Apple Music
Apple Music
My music is available to stream or download here.